Crash Course European History #18 - The Enlightenment



Directions: As you watch the video, read each question carefully before responding to it. All responses must be a minimum of 1-2 complete sentences (except for question 1), and must be thorough and inclusive with details.

  1. The Enlightenment, or Age of Light refers to the belief that musty old ideas need to be exposed to rational investigation to see if they were still valuable.

  2. What did tea and coffee bring to everyday life in Europe?

Tea and coffee brought a greater sobriety and civility to everyday life in Europe.
  1. What new foods came to Europe from the Americas?

Potatoes and corn came to Europe from the Americas.
  1. As Europeans traveled, what did they notice about non-European social orders?

Europeans noticed that people were much more calm than they were.
  1. What is one of the first ways writers criticized outmoded ways of life?

Writers criticized outmoded ways of life by making fun of them.
  1. Identify and describe the contributions of the Montesqueiu and Voltaire to the Enlightenment.

Montesquieu published the Persian Letters, where foreign visitors saw the Europeans as amusing while seeing their own faults. Voltaire made fun of rulers, writing a satirical novel, Candide.
  1. What were the newly-desirable traits of the Enlightenment?

The newly-desirable traits of the Enlightenment are being honest, inquisitive, and open.
  1. Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau? What were his contributions to the Enlightenment?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a thinker that shared his ideas about learning practical ideas, promoting middle class values, like hard work, practicality, and domesticity..
  1. What are Enlightenment salons?

Enlightenment salons were get-togethers in homes for wealthy women to learn about philosophy and ideas.
  1. Where did men begin looking for fashion inspiration?

Men began looking for fashion inspiration in India, such as neckties.
  1. What new texts came about from the Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment produced the Encyclopedie, discussing topics such as natural rights.
  1. What did David Hume promote?

David Hume promoted reason above religion, saying believing in God was superstition.
  1. What did the Deists argue?

The Desists argued that God existed but did not influence everyday life.
  1. How did the Enlightenment affect slavery?

The Enlightenment turned more people against slavery, as they recognized the cruelty.
  1. Who is Adam Smith? What were his contributions to the Enlightenment?

Adam Smith was a scotsman who advocated for manufacturing, division of labor, and free trade.
  1. What is a laissez-faire market?

A laissez-faire market is a fe=ree market where a worker’s actions were based on their self-interest.
  1. What is Smith best known as today?

Smith is best known today as the father of the free market, free trade, and individualism.
  1. What did Rousseau discuss in his work, The Social Contract?

Rousseau said that citizens need to give the state unconditional obedience in The Social Contract.
  1. Who is Emmanual Kant? What did Kant argue about the human mind?

Emmanual Kant was a German philosopher. Kant discussed each person thinking for themselves rather than submitting to old ideas.