Class and Object Terms

The foundations of Object-Oriented Programming is defining a Class

  • In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), a class is a blueprint for creating an Object. (a data structure). An Object is used like many other Python variables.
  • A Class has ...
    • a collection of data, these are called Attributes and in Python are pre-fixed using the keyword self
    • a collection of Functions/Procedures. These are called *Methods when they exist inside a Class definition.
  • An Object is created from the Class/Template. Characteristics of objects ...
    • an Object is an Instance of the Class/Template
    • there can be many Objects created from the same Class
    • each Object contains its own Instance Data
    • the data is setup by the Constructor, this is the "init" method in a Python class
    • all methods in the Class/Template become part of the Object, methods are accessed using dot notation (object.method())
  • A Python Class allow for the definition of @ decorators, these allow access to instance data without the use of functions ...
    • @property decorator (aka getter). This enables developers to reference/get instance data in a shorthand fashion ( versus object.get_name())
    • @name.setter decorator (aka setter). This enables developers to update/set instance data in a shorthand fashion ( = "John" versus object.set_name("John"))
    • observe all instance data (self._name, ...) are prefixed with "", this convention allows setters and getters to work with more natural variable name (name, email ...)

Class and Object Code

# Werkzeug is a collection of libraries that can be used to create a WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)
# A gateway in necessary as a web server cannot communicate directly with Python.
# In this case, imports are focused on generating hash code to protect passwords.
from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
import json

# Define a User Class/Template
# -- A User represents the data we want to manage
class User:    
    # constructor of a User object, initializes the instance variables within object (self)
    def __init__(self, name, uid, password):
        self._name = name    # variables with self prefix become part of the object, 
        self._uid = uid

    # a name getter method, extracts name from object
    def name(self):
        return self._name
    # a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name
    # a getter method, extracts email from object
    def uid(self):
        return self._uid
    # a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
    def uid(self, uid):
        self._uid = uid
    # check if uid parameter matches user id in object, return boolean
    def is_uid(self, uid):
        return self._uid == uid
    def password(self):
        return self._password[0:10] + "..." # because of security only show 1st characters

    # update password, this is conventional setter
    def set_password(self, password):
        """Create a hashed password."""
        self._password = generate_password_hash(password, method='sha256')

    # check password parameter versus stored/encrypted password
    def is_password(self, password):
        """Check against hashed password."""
        result = check_password_hash(self._password, password)
        return result
    # output content using str(object) in human readable form, uses getter
    def __str__(self):
        return f'name: "{}", id: "{self.uid}", psw: "{self.password}"'

    # output command to recreate the object, uses attribute directly
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Person(name={self._name}, uid={self._uid}, password={self._password})'
    def __dir__(self):
        return ["name", "uid"]

# tester method to print users
def tester(users, uid, psw):
    result = None
    for user in users:
        # test for match in database
        if user.uid == uid and user.is_password(psw):  # check for match
            print("* ", end="")
            result = user
        # print using __str__ method
    return result

# place tester code inside of special if!  This allows include without tester running
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # define user objects
    u1 = User(name='Thomas Edison', uid='toby', password='123toby')
    u2 = User(name='Nicholas Tesla', uid='nick', password='123nick')
    u3 = User(name='Alexander Graham Bell', uid='lex', password='123lex')
    u4 = User(name='Eli Whitney', uid='eli', password='123eli')
    u5 = User(name='Hedy Lemarr', uid='hedy', password='123hedy')

    # put user objects in list for convenience
    users = [u1, u2, u3, u4, u5]

    # Find user
    print("Test 1, find user 3")
    u = tester(users, u3.uid, "123lex")

    # Change user
    print("Test 2, change user 3") = "John Mortensen"
    u.uid = "jm1021"
    u = tester(users, u.uid, "123qwerty")

    # Make dictionary
    The __dict__ in Python represents a dictionary or any mapping object that is used to store the attributes of the object. 
    Every object in Python has an attribute that is denoted by __dict__. 
    Use the json.dumps() method to convert the list of Users to a JSON string.
    print("Test 3, make a dictionary")
    json_string = json.dumps([user.__dict__ for user in users]) 

    print("Test 4, make a dictionary")
    json_string = json.dumps([vars(user) for user in users]) 
Test 1, find user 3
name: "Thomas Edison", id: "toby", psw: "sha256$o0x..."
name: "Nicholas Tesla", id: "nick", psw: "sha256$C7q..."
* name: "Alexander Graham Bell", id: "lex", psw: "sha256$ytX..."
name: "Eli Whitney", id: "eli", psw: "sha256$TaG..."
name: "Hedy Lemarr", id: "hedy", psw: "sha256$x7i..."
Test 2, change user 3
name: "Thomas Edison", id: "toby", psw: "sha256$o0x..."
name: "Nicholas Tesla", id: "nick", psw: "sha256$C7q..."
* name: "John Mortensen", id: "jm1021", psw: "sha256$c7E..."
name: "Eli Whitney", id: "eli", psw: "sha256$TaG..."
name: "Hedy Lemarr", id: "hedy", psw: "sha256$x7i..."
Test 3, make a dictionary
[{"_name": "Thomas Edison", "_uid": "toby", "_password": "sha256$o0xBzC4BqbRGNfdJ$b208084d423d89291ce5c44b23a3d0b93947d25a139d2b533fcb454df8abcb1d"}, {"_name": "Nicholas Tesla", "_uid": "nick", "_password": "sha256$C7qg3RFRae8tih5t$66d9c2e41bbe2b97f06e1a887132cf8a031baa5ec51b76c86c47898e57c9c6dd"}, {"_name": "John Mortensen", "_uid": "jm1021", "_password": "sha256$c7E1oDjL4sChssQd$f7ce5135259c29d536c7ffa643aae0bfb3da7c9ed01f5e9806b43bb9fbd186e9"}, {"_name": "Eli Whitney", "_uid": "eli", "_password": "sha256$TaGtlbLHQNAUhJln$c53830a40e82d1cf4b8482bf6ea91a9cb7b638e5a47e835f7ea5ded4c5b08e89"}, {"_name": "Hedy Lemarr", "_uid": "hedy", "_password": "sha256$x7i3D30wt06rQZQs$f2049c00b5f1091e8aa9656926e5382401d7533c6fe47da989e874ad5f9b966b"}]
Test 4, make a dictionary
[{"_name": "Thomas Edison", "_uid": "toby", "_password": "sha256$o0xBzC4BqbRGNfdJ$b208084d423d89291ce5c44b23a3d0b93947d25a139d2b533fcb454df8abcb1d"}, {"_name": "Nicholas Tesla", "_uid": "nick", "_password": "sha256$C7qg3RFRae8tih5t$66d9c2e41bbe2b97f06e1a887132cf8a031baa5ec51b76c86c47898e57c9c6dd"}, {"_name": "John Mortensen", "_uid": "jm1021", "_password": "sha256$c7E1oDjL4sChssQd$f7ce5135259c29d536c7ffa643aae0bfb3da7c9ed01f5e9806b43bb9fbd186e9"}, {"_name": "Eli Whitney", "_uid": "eli", "_password": "sha256$TaGtlbLHQNAUhJln$c53830a40e82d1cf4b8482bf6ea91a9cb7b638e5a47e835f7ea5ded4c5b08e89"}, {"_name": "Hedy Lemarr", "_uid": "hedy", "_password": "sha256$x7i3D30wt06rQZQs$f2049c00b5f1091e8aa9656926e5382401d7533c6fe47da989e874ad5f9b966b"}]


Add new attributes/variables to the Class. Make class specific to your CPT work.

  • Add classOf attribute to define year of graduation
    • Add setter and getter for classOf
  • Add dob attribute to define date of birth
    • This will require investigation into Python datetime objects as shown in example code below
    • Add setter and getter for dob
  • Add instance variable for age, make sure if dob changes age changes
    • Add getter for age, but don't add/allow setter for age
  • Update and format tester function to work with changes

Start a class design for each of your own Full Stack CPT sections of your project

  • Use new code cell in this notebook
  • Define init and self attributes
  • Define setters and getters
  • Make a tester

Start Code for Hacks

from datetime import date

def calculate_age(born):
    today =
    return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, < (born.month,

def gradyear(born):
    byear = born.year
    if born.month > 5:
        gyear = byear + 19
        gyear = byear + 18

dob = date(2004, 12, 31)
age = calculate_age(dob)
gyear = gradyear(dob)

Hack Helper

This ended up being harder than anticipated, complete hacks from this update.

from import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash
from datetime import date
import json

class User:    

    def __init__(self, name, uid, password, dob):
        self._name = name    # variables with self prefix become part of the object, 
        self._uid = uid
        self._dob = dob
    def name(self):
        return self._name
    # a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name
    # a getter method, extracts email from object
    def uid(self):
        return self._uid
    # a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
    def uid(self, uid):
        self._uid = uid
    # check if uid parameter matches user id in object, return boolean
    def is_uid(self, uid):
        return self._uid == uid
    # dob property is returned as string, to avoid unfriendly outcomes
    def dob(self):
        dob_string = self._dob.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
        return dob_string
    # dob should be have verification for type date
    def dob(self, dob):
        self._dob = dob
    # age is calculated and returned each time it is accessed
    def age(self):
        today =
        return today.year - self._dob.year - ((today.month, < (self._dob.month,

    # classOf is calculated and returned each time it is accessed
    def classOf(self):
        if self._dob.month > 5:
            return self._dob.year + 19
            return self._dob.year + 18
    # dictionary is customized, removing password for security purposes
    def dictionary(self):
        dict = {
            "name" :,
            "uid" : self.uid,
            "dob" : self.dob,
            "age" : self.age,
            "classOf" : self.classOf
        return dict
    # update password, this is conventional setter
    def set_password(self, password):
        """Create a hashed password."""
        self._password = generate_password_hash(password, method='sha256')

    # check password parameter versus stored/encrypted password
    def is_password(self, password):
        """Check against hashed password."""
        result = check_password_hash(self._password, password)
        return result
    # output content using json dumps, this is ready for API response
    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.dictionary)
    # output command to recreate the object, uses attribute directly
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'User(name={self._name}, uid={self._uid}, password={self._password},dob={self._dob})'

# place tester code inside of special if!  This allows include without tester running
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # define user objects
    u1 = User(name='Thomas Edison', uid='toby', password='123toby', dob=date(1947, 2, 21))
    u2 = User(name='Nicholas Tesla', uid='nick', password='123nick', dob=date(2047, 8, 19))
    u3 = User(name='Alexander Graham Bell', uid='lex', password='123lex', dob=date(1998, 7, 16))
    u4 = User(name='Eli Whitney', uid='eli', password='123eli', dob=date(2017, 2, 1))
    u5 = User(name='Hedy Lemarr', uid='hedy', password='123hedy', dob=date(2004, 3, 31))

    # put user objects in list for convenience
    users = [u1, u2, u3, u4, u5]

    # Find user
    print("Test 1, find user 3")
    u = tester(users, u3.uid, "123lex")

    # Change user
    print("Test 2, change user 3") = "John Mortensen"
    u.uid = "jm1021"
    u = tester(users, u.uid, "123qwerty")

    # Make dictionary
    The __dict__ in Python represents a dictionary or any mapping object that is used to store the attributes of the object. 
    Every object in Python has an attribute that is denoted by __dict__. 
    Use the json.dumps() method to convert the list of Users to a JSON string.
    print("Test 3, make a dictionary")
    json_string = json.dumps([user.__dict__ for user in users]) 

    print("Test 4, make a dictionary")
    json_string = json.dumps([vars(user) for user in users]) 
Test 1, find user 3
{"name": "Thomas Edison", "uid": "toby", "dob": "02-21-1947", "age": 75, "classOf": 1965}
{"name": "Nicholas Tesla", "uid": "nick", "dob": "08-19-2047", "age": -25, "classOf": 2066}
* {"name": "Alexander Graham Bell", "uid": "lex", "dob": "07-16-1998", "age": 24, "classOf": 2017}
{"name": "Eli Whitney", "uid": "eli", "dob": "02-01-2017", "age": 5, "classOf": 2035}
{"name": "Hedy Lemarr", "uid": "hedy", "dob": "03-31-2004", "age": 18, "classOf": 2022}
Test 2, change user 3
{"name": "Thomas Edison", "uid": "toby", "dob": "02-21-1947", "age": 75, "classOf": 1965}
{"name": "Nicholas Tesla", "uid": "nick", "dob": "08-19-2047", "age": -25, "classOf": 2066}
* {"name": "John Mortensen", "uid": "jm1021", "dob": "04-07-2000", "age": 22, "classOf": 2018}
{"name": "Eli Whitney", "uid": "eli", "dob": "02-01-2017", "age": 5, "classOf": 2035}
{"name": "Hedy Lemarr", "uid": "hedy", "dob": "03-31-2004", "age": 18, "classOf": 2022}
Test 3, make a dictionary
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb Cell 9 in <cell line: 94>()
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=120'>121</a> ''' 
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=121'>122</a> The __dict__ in Python represents a dictionary or any mapping object that is used to store the attributes of the object. 
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=122'>123</a> Every object in Python has an attribute that is denoted by __dict__. 
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=123'>124</a> Use the json.dumps() method to convert the list of Users to a JSON string.
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=124'>125</a> '''
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=125'>126</a> print("Test 3, make a dictionary")
--> <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=126'>127</a> json_string = json.dumps([user.__dict__ for user in users]) 
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=127'>128</a> print(json_string)
    <a href='vscode-notebook-cell://wsl%2Bubuntu/home/jaden/vscode/csp2/_notebooks/2023-01-10-PBL-model.ipynb#X16sdnNjb2RlLXJlbW90ZQ%3D%3D?line=129'>130</a> print("Test 4, make a dictionary")

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/json/, in dumps(obj, skipkeys, ensure_ascii, check_circular, allow_nan, cls, indent, separators, default, sort_keys, **kw)
    226 # cached encoder
    227 if (not skipkeys and ensure_ascii and
    228     check_circular and allow_nan and
    229     cls is None and indent is None and separators is None and
    230     default is None and not sort_keys and not kw):
--> 231     return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
    232 if cls is None:
    233     cls = JSONEncoder

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/json/, in JSONEncoder.encode(self, o)
    195         return encode_basestring(o)
    196 # This doesn't pass the iterator directly to ''.join() because the
    197 # exceptions aren't as detailed.  The list call should be roughly
    198 # equivalent to the PySequence_Fast that ''.join() would do.
--> 199 chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
    200 if not isinstance(chunks, (list, tuple)):
    201     chunks = list(chunks)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/json/, in JSONEncoder.iterencode(self, o, _one_shot)
    252 else:
    253     _iterencode = _make_iterencode(
    254         markers, self.default, _encoder, self.indent, floatstr,
    255         self.key_separator, self.item_separator, self.sort_keys,
    256         self.skipkeys, _one_shot)
--> 257 return _iterencode(o, 0)

File ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/json/, in JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
    160 def default(self, o):
    161     """Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns
    162     a serializable object for ``o``, or calls the base implementation
    163     (to raise a ``TypeError``).
    178     """
--> 179     raise TypeError(f'Object of type {o.__class__.__name__} '
    180                     f'is not JSON serializable')

TypeError: Object of type date is not JSON serializable